Friday, 6 December 2013

Things I've learned about the Elizabethan Era

What I’ve learned about the Elizabethan era:


·      It was known as the golden age.
·      Dresses and materials were regarded as social hierarchy.
·      Own social classes had their own colours like: the expensive ones were red, purple, white and black because they were expensive colours to dye on clothes.
·      Blue, green, orange and yellow were the cheaper colours and it didn’t matter too much if the clothing became faded over time.
·      When she was younger dresses were straight than as she became older they were puffier.
·      Men wore cossets and padded trousers.

Beauty and hair:

·      Women’s beauty signified delicacy and purity.
·      Wealthy figures were allowed to wear make up.
·      Elizabeth was considered beautiful by her pale skin and orange hair.
·      Ingredients used in cosmetics were: coal, ceruse and egg whites.
·      Ceruse- is a mixture of white lead and vinegar for white skin; this was applied on the face, neck and chest.
·      Ceruse was very dangerous and it could cause leas poisoning, pimples, dizziness and for your skin to burn and peel.
·      It was not natural beauty.
·      They had high thin eyebrows.
·      They had very pale skin, which they used the white lead for.
·      Smooth unblemished skin was very rare.
·      Elizabeth caught the pox at 28, which left her with scars; she disguised them by using lots of make up.
·      White past was applied first then egg glaze to smooth out any wrinkles.
·      Cochineal extract, which is crushed beetles, were used for lipsticks and is still used for lipsticks today.
·      To wash their face they would use lemon juice and honey.
·      Men sometimes said women would go to hell if they wore make up.
·      Male writers accused women of faking themselves to marry men.
·      Men also hated the white lead as they couldn’t see a women’s reaction if they were blushing.
·      Poor women did not have enough money, resources or cosmetics and would work outside which give them a tan, having a tan was considered attractive.
·      The lack of dental care they had as they would clean their teeth with honey and use sugar toothpicks, in the later stages of Elizabeth’s life her teeth were black.
·      Women bleached their hair golden like Elizabeth’s by using: saffron and oil, which would make an orangey yellow paste and celandine a yellow flower. They would then sit out in the sun and let the paste dry and dye their hair.
·      If women could not afford the ingredients they would use fake hair.
·      Elizabeth had over 80 wigs.
·      They plucked their front hairline for a bigger forehead as it was considered beautiful if you had no front hairline.


·      Portraits were used to show her innocence and power they also included a lot of symbolism within them.
·      Her dad broke away from god by making the church protestant so she wanted to portray herself in her portraits as being loyal to the people.
·      Someone would paint her first then other artists will add to the painting.
·      A lot of the portraits would show her in a good light and if she didn’t like the painting she would get rid of it.

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