Sunday, 27 October 2013

Contemporary Hair With Elizabethan Influence

This is the development of my last image, I incorporated a plait design along the top and down the side. I have made the hair look more rich in colour by using red. I have also included jewels and a flower design which were popular accessories worn in the Elizabethan period. 
[Viewed Sunday 27th of October]

I have used the popular Elizabethan heart shape. I will design this by using tissue in tights to create a roll effect. The hair would be tightly curled so when it is pulled back it looks frizzy. I have two plaits at the front as this was a technique they used for styling the hair, I would have it at the front and link it up to my heart shape design. I will also include ribbon in my plaits with a bow either side this gives a more feminine feel to the hair design.

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