Sunday, 13 October 2013

Elizabethan Quote (Phillip Stubbes)

Elizabethan Quote:
'Then followeth the trimming and tricking of their heds in laying out their hair to the show, which of force must be curled, frizled and crisped, laid out on wreathes & borders from one eare to an other. And lest it should fall down, it is underpropped with forks, wyres, & I can not tel what, rather like grim stern monsters, than chaste christian matrones. Then on the edges of their bolstered heir (for it standeth crested round about their frontiers, & hanging over their faces like pendices or vails with glasse windows on every side) there is layd great wreathes of gold and silver, curiously wrought & cunningly applied to the temples of their heads. And for feare of lacking any thing to set foorth their pride withal, at their heyre, thus wreathed and crested, are hanged bugles, ouches, rings, gold, silver, glasses , & such other gewgawes and trinckets besides, which, for that they be innumerable, and I unskilfull in wemens terms, I cannot easily recount.'
Said by Phillip Stubbes
I have picked out keywords from this quote and included inspirational images:
'Stern': [Viewed 13th of October]

'Frizled': [Viewed 13th of October]


'Wreathes': [Viewed 13th of October] [Viewed 13th of October]

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