Sunday, 27 October 2013

Contemporary Hair With Elizabethan Influence

This is the development of my last image, I incorporated a plait design along the top and down the side. I have made the hair look more rich in colour by using red. I have also included jewels and a flower design which were popular accessories worn in the Elizabethan period. 
[Viewed Sunday 27th of October]

I have used the popular Elizabethan heart shape. I will design this by using tissue in tights to create a roll effect. The hair would be tightly curled so when it is pulled back it looks frizzy. I have two plaits at the front as this was a technique they used for styling the hair, I would have it at the front and link it up to my heart shape design. I will also include ribbon in my plaits with a bow either side this gives a more feminine feel to the hair design.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Contemporary Elizeabethan Image From Quote

This is a addition from the contemporary image I used for the word Wild. I added to this image by using paint and a cut out based on the Phillip Stubbs quote about Elizabethan hair, this is to interpret my idea about the quote onto a modern hair design.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Elizabethan Quote (Phillip Stubbes)

Elizabethan Quote:
'Then followeth the trimming and tricking of their heds in laying out their hair to the show, which of force must be curled, frizled and crisped, laid out on wreathes & borders from one eare to an other. And lest it should fall down, it is underpropped with forks, wyres, & I can not tel what, rather like grim stern monsters, than chaste christian matrones. Then on the edges of their bolstered heir (for it standeth crested round about their frontiers, & hanging over their faces like pendices or vails with glasse windows on every side) there is layd great wreathes of gold and silver, curiously wrought & cunningly applied to the temples of their heads. And for feare of lacking any thing to set foorth their pride withal, at their heyre, thus wreathed and crested, are hanged bugles, ouches, rings, gold, silver, glasses , & such other gewgawes and trinckets besides, which, for that they be innumerable, and I unskilfull in wemens terms, I cannot easily recount.'
Said by Phillip Stubbes
I have picked out keywords from this quote and included inspirational images:
'Stern': [Viewed 13th of October]

'Frizled': [Viewed 13th of October]


'Wreathes': [Viewed 13th of October] [Viewed 13th of October]

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Period V's Contemporary Elizabethan Hair

Period hair [Viewed 9th of October]

The period hair design was more subtle than the contemporary designs. The hair is set very well to hold all day, all the hair is pinned up and is tightly put into place. The hairline is further away and the forehead is more on show as a bigger forehead with less of a hairline was considered beautiful. 

The colours are very rich to show the royalty of the hair, as more richer colour shows expense and luxury. Hair pieces are more used to show jewels which mean wealth, whereas the contemporary designs is all about how the shape looks rather than the headdresses.

Contemporary Hair

The contemporary Elizabethan hair designs seem to be bolder with enhancing shapes. The texture of the hair seems to be lightly frizzed rather than tightly curled or in a set frizz and in some cases very loose when shaping the hair compared to the tight hair dos. A more theatrical example of the contemporary hair designs is Nicki Minaj who has incorporated a Elizabethan shape beehive wig but in a more modern way by having a sweeping fringe and bob at the bottom. 

Colours used seem to be lighter rather than rich reds, they are golden reds and even light greens. The colours in a contemporary design could be more wacky than back in the Elizabethan times as it was more about looking formal and sophisticated.